
Petro Star Inc. is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as promoting concern and respect for the environment. After all, people and the environment are our two greatest resources.

Policy and Procedures

The Safety Policy of Petro Star Inc. and its family of companies is to control conditions that are responsible for losses. We strive for the highest standards in safety. Safety does not occur by chance, but rather by careful attention to all corporate operations by those who are directly or indirectly involved. We expect all personnel to work diligently to execute the corporate policy of maintaining safe and healthy places of employment.

Petro Star strives to do everything within its power to prevent accidents and otherwise provide our employees a safe workplace. The prevention of injury and illness of our employees must be of uppermost importance in all our endeavors.

State and federal law, as well as company policy, make the safety and health of our employees the first consideration in operating our business. Safety and health in our business is part of every operation and is every employee’s responsibility at all levels.

It is the intent of Petro Star Inc. to comply with all laws concerning the operation of the business and the health and safety of our employees and the public.


The management of Petro Star Inc. recognizes an obligation to protect the human, physical and financial resources of the company. We recognize our responsibility to manage our company in such a way that these resources are conserved and utilized effectively. The below policies are in place to meet those commitments.

Safety and Health
  • Furnish workplaces free from recognized hazards.
  • Comply with laws regulating employee safety and health.
  • Provide employees with necessary safety procedures and information to do their job safely.
  • Hold each supervisor accountable for assuring that employees, equipment and facilities within their area of responsibility are maintained in a safe manner.
  • Hold each employee responsible for maintaining safe working conditions and practices compliant with all safety regulations.
  • Comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  • Encourage concern and respect for the environment, by emphasizing employees’ responsibility in all aspects of their work.
  • Prevent incidents; implement an organized approach to emergency response management, and encourage teamwork and coordination between the public and private sectors through all phases of incident management.
  • Provide effective training and ensure appropriate operating practices.
  • Improve the energy efficiency of our operations and control emissions.
Recent Changes
  • The FNSB suffers from poor air quality in times of extreme cold temperatures. EPA has identified a portion of FSNB as a non-attainment area, requiring a plan to reduce these air-pollutants. Under the requirements of EPA, the ADEC has implemented air quality control measures and adopted a new regulatory rule for fuel oil-fired equipment. After September 1, 2022, only fuel oil, containing no more than 1,000 parts per million sulfur, may be sold or purchased for use in fuel oil-fired equipment, including space heating devices
  • Effective 9-1-2022, Petro Star will curtail production of #2 Diesel fuel. Only #1 Heating Fuel containing no more than 1,000 parts per million (ppm) sulfur will be available for sale at all locations